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Fast Smyrna Locksmith in Smyrna, GA: What to Do, Car Key Stuck in Ignition

Have you ever stopped your car then tried to remove the key and it just wouldn’t come out? If it has never happened to you, can you imagine the level of panic that you would experience? Having a stuck key is certainly a frightening situation. One minute all is well with your locks and the next, you’re wondering what is going on.

Fast Smyrna Locksmith in Smyrna, GA has the remedy for stuck keys. If you have a car key that is stuck in your ignition, call us. We will know what to do to get that key out for you. 

Need an Automotive Locksmith?

Once you have a problem with any lock on your vehicle, the best thing to do is find a reliable and experienced automotive locksmith. Sure, you can take your car to the dealer or some other expensive car shop. But, locksmiths are lock experts. We are the professionals that you should turn to when you have a lock concern. 

Many people tend to think that locksmiths can only open locked car doors and trunks. That is not the case. Although locksmiths do not have the expertise to handle other issues with your vehicle (brakes, oil, belts, etc.), there are many things that locksmiths offer to vehicle owners. 
Just look at some automotive locksmith services that you can benefit from.

  • High security sidewinders
  • Auto alarm services
  • Transponder key services
  • Rekeying of locks
  • Keyless entry systems
  • Extraction of broken keys

Is Your Car Key Stuck?

Even though you may think your car key is stuck, it may not be as serious as you’re thinking. Sometimes a stuck car key is just a result of something that you have forgotten to do rather than a genuine problem with your ignition cylinder. If your car key gets stuck, make sure you follow these steps before you begin to panic or call for help. 

  • Check your steering wheel

Depending on the position of your steering wheel, your car key can be stuck in the ignition cylinder. If the wheel is locked, make sure that you unlock it before you try to remove the key. If you don’t and you tug on the key too hard, you may end up breaking it.   

  • Make sure you’re in the right gear. 

Although your steering wheel may be in the right position, it is possible that you are in the wrong gear. Many vehicles have a safety feature that prevents you from removing the key unless you are in Park or Neutral. If your vehicle is like that, you won’t be able to remove the key unless you are in one of those two gears. Make sure you select one of them so you can remove your key.  

  • Have you checked your alarm procedures?

Nowadays, there are so many different types of safety features offered on alarm systems. It is possible that your alarm system may be preventing you from removing your key. If you have a special setting on your alarm, make sure that you have taken all the steps necessary for you to remove your key. 

What Type of Key Does Your Car Use?

All locks do not use the same type of key. This has always been the case, so, it is nothing new. The same thing goes for cars too. Can you imagine if you could use your car key to get into another type of car? That would be both exciting and scary at the same time. But, for safety reasons, lock manufacturers have ensured that you have to use different keys for different locks. 

Today, there are two main types of car keys- regular keys and transponder keys. Although there is a difference between these two types of keys, they both can get stuck in an ignition cylinder. It is not that one key is more prone to getting stuck than the other. However, if either of these keys get stuck, the cost for removal or other services performed can vary greatly. 

Since transponder keys are a bit more complicated than regular car keys, expect to pay a whole lot more if you need it to be replaced. However, it is much less expensive for the same services once it is a regular car key. 

Removing a Stuck Key

If your key gets stuck in the ignition cylinder, it is very important that you do not tug on it too harshly. Harsh pulling of your key can cause it to break in the ignition. More often than not, a piece of broken key is always left behind in the ignition. If you are unable to remove this piece of key, you will have to call a locksmith to get it removed. Unless you are planning to change the entire ignition cylinder or you won’t be driving that vehicle again, you will need to remove the key. 

Instead of pulling harshly on the key, gently toggle the key to get it out of the ignition. If you have looked at everything and everything lines up in such a way that you should be able to take the key out, be very careful. The best thing to do in a situation like this is call your locksmith for assistance. 

Do Locksmiths Remove Stuck Keys for Free?

Your locksmith will charge you a fee to remove your stuck key. What will this fee be? It varies. Some locksmiths charge higher fees than others. Some will even charge you a fee based on the type of key that is stuck in the ignition. 

When you call and request assistance from a locksmith in your area, try to get a price estimate before you hire their services. It will avoid surprises and you will be able to compare prices and use a service that is affordable. If you’re looking for some of the most affordable automotive locksmith rates in Georgia, call us at Fast Smyrna Locksmith in Smyrna, GA. We are here to make sure you get everything you need. We hope this information has been helpful, no matter where you live! Now you know that locksmiths can help out when it comes to vehicle keys.